Biodynamic Preparations

To purchase preparations at the next meeting please contact Harald Hoven several days in advance:
Phone: 916-837-8776. Email:

Based on indications given by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, all nine biodynamic preparations should be used as a totality to achieve a healthy balance for your land.

In general, Biodynamic Sprays (BD #500, BD #501) are used after the soil has been first enriched by compost or manure treated with the BD Compost Preparations (BD #502-507). Although immediate results may be observed, the benefits of BD preparations are usually seen over a transition period of several years.



Horn Manure — BD #500

$7 Member / $9.50 Non-member 

BD #500 stimulates seed germination, root growth and humus formation. Use when planting, transplanting, or turning in cover crops.

How to use BD #500: Stir vigorously for one hour. Spray to soil immediately. Best results are achieved when used periodically throughout the season. One unit is enough for up to one acre when stirred properly.


Horn Silica - BD #501

$3.50 Member / $5 Non-member

BD #501 should be used after BD #500 has been used. It stimulates photosynthesis and the ripening process, regulates leaf growth, enhances flavor and storage quality.

How to use BD #501: Stir vigorously for one hour in sufficient water to meet your application requirements. Apply immediately to foliage. Apply periodically during the growing season. One unit is enough for once acre when stirred properly. Spray in early morning before sunrise or the heat of the day.


Compost Prep Set - 502-507

$22.50 Member / $27 Non-member

The Compost Preparations BD #502-507 are placed into manure or compost. The set contains fermented and potentized Yarrow, Chamomile, Stinging Nettle, Oak Bark, Dandelion and Valerian that increase the proliferation of beneficial fungi and bacteria, stabilize nitrogen, attract trace elements and stimulate the silica, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and sulphur processes.

Composition of the Biodynamic Compost Set

  1. BD #502 - Yarrow Preparation: Permits plants to attract trace elements in extremely dilute quantities for their best nutrition.

  2. BD #503 - Chamomile Preparation: Stabilizes nitrogen (N) within the compost ; increases soil life so as to stimulate plant growth.

  3. BD #504 - Stinging Nettle Preparation: Stimulates soil health, providing plants with the individual nutrition components needed. "Enlivens" the earth (soil).

  4. BD #505 - Oak Bark Preparation: Provides healing forces (or qualities) to combat harmful plant diseases.

  5. BD #506 - Dandelion Preparation: Stimulates relation between Silica (Si) and Potassium (K) so that Silica can attract cosmic forces to the soil.

  6. BD #507 - Valerian Preparation: Stimulates compost so that phosphorus components will be properly used by the soil.


Compound Prep - Barrel Compost

$7 Member / $9.50 Non-member

Barrel Compost based on Maria Thun’s recipe developed to counter uptake of radio-active fallout. Contains BD #502-507, basalt and eggshells. Useful when access to BD compost is limited and when plants are under stress. Should not be regarded as a long-term substitute for properly made BD compost.

How to use BC Biodynamic Compound Spray: Stir vigorously for twenty minutes. Spray to soil immediately. Best results are achieved when used periodically throughout the season. One unit is enough for up to one acre when stirred properly.


How to Store 

Biodynamic Preparations

by Harald Hoven

When we work with the biodynamic preparations, we become aware of the fact that they do not gain their effectiveness on a mere physical level. In the Agricultural Lectures (Chapter 5), Rudolf Steiner told his listeners that the preparations have a “radiant force,” which works in a manner similar to the radiance of trace elements in the soil. This is why we take only a very small amount of each preparation when we place them into the compost pile. Each prep is inserted at a distance from the next, so that it can “radiate” into the pile with its own unique quality. Together, they create a kind of symphonic field. Then, to allow all of them to work and become maximally effective, we let the pile rest for a least one month before turning it again, or before using it. Then, when we apply the horn manure preparation, we do not blanket the land fully. Rather, we achieve this necessary “radiant field” by spreading only drops of the preparation. It is precisely this living quality of the preparations that gives biodynamic farming its most valuable gift, both to the soil and to the quality of the crops.And it is for this reason that it is important to “insulate” the preparations when they are stored, which enables them to keep their radiating vitality for some years. Thus, if you buy your preparations, and if you will not use them for more than a month, you can store them for a longer time by putting them into small glass jars. Surround the individual preparation jars by at least 4” of dry peat moss on all sides, and put them into a box (even a cardboard box will do!) filled with peat moss. For a cover, use a “pillow” filled with peat moss. Place this box in an undisturbed, cool location. In this way, the preparations could last for a couple of years.Horn silica (501) is an exception. It does not need to be stored in darkness, but can be stored in a jar in a sunny location on a window sill. If you do not want to go through all of this, you can instead order your preparations when you are ready to use them.